Monday, September 18, 2006

new image of the week

ahoy all, not to shabby turnout for the 1st assignment, glad to see some people still have no social lives, so withought further adue (sp) this weeks topic,

.... rrrrrrolllll...... and the topic iiiiiisss.......

ahha this is a good one,

" design an original Pokemon character, unsuitable for children under 18. "

to further clerafy, design a creature similar to this one, only the Little animal MUST include material not suitable for young children, and name it accordingly and creativley, * analsexamon, or herroinaddictoid are a few good examples...

and most importantly Have fun - Sloth


At 12:39 AM, Blogger yums said...

Dear Sloth,
It is either "without further adieu" or "further ado". Adieu means good bye and Ado means fuss or bother. But Adieu is chosen over Ado. Something to do with Shakespere and the English and French languages. Meh.
So there you have it. Adieu.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Joanna Chan said...

oh..interesting ~_~

At 6:11 PM, Blogger ninja Jamal said...

POkemoN IS The GREATEST TOPIc Anyone can come up!
Yes, I am a crazy anime fan!!! ONe thing about anime fans: They are super Cool!

At 11:24 AM, Blogger SAL said...

this is a great topic!

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Sloth said...

thanks, i'll do my best to try to keep them fun and original ;)

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Sloth said...

p.s. Yumi your english knowledge is undeniable, but i refuse to thank you for it since you were born here, and have had your full lifespan to leanr its ways, while i am merely a lowly import, struggling to find my ways through "apple to Zebra" withought either resorting to tears or the dictionary... , h alook i'm so clever, no actually thanks :) and please correct me as often as posible becaseu if you dont ill stay dumb forever. i'll brign you presents when i come to visit to thank your valiant kindness :)

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Sloth said...

p.s. p.s. please disregard the horrendous spelling, grammar and diction in the last post, clearly i was on some type of Wubbzy induced hallucenogenics .

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Greggers said...

ok.. just for clarification... is supposed to be an etirely orignal pokemon like a new creature? or like.. pikachu shooting up on heroin?

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Sloth said...

entirely new, and dont use heroin, ... crack pipe's ok weed, speed i got whacha need! plus some shit you dont, yeah i could be a rap star now!


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